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    Lights, Camera, Education: Is Film School the Right Choice?

    To learn everything about the filmmaking process and the entertainment business, attending film school can be very beneficial. Determining whether or not to enroll in film school and, if so, which institution to attend, can be challenging. If you want to make movies for a living, it’s smart to find out what it takes to…

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      The Power of POPI: How Data Privacy is Driving Positive Change in South Africa

      Data privacy has become a pressing issue in today’s digital age. The rise of technology has led to an explosion of data, much of which contains sensitive and personal information. As more and more businesses collect and use this data, the need for data privacy regulations has become increasingly apparent. In South Africa, the Protection…

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        The New Implementation of Electronic Scripts in South Africa

        Prescription medications in South Africa should be written in legible print, typed, or computer generated and signed in person by a licensed prescriber by the overall legislation established as a result of the Medicines and Related Substances Act. Amidst these regulations, prescribers regularly encounter handwritten prescriptions that are difficult to read, increasing the likelihood of…

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          Load-shedding Leads to Fewer Job Opportunities, Gender-based Violence, and Increased Anxiety

          Loss of jobs, gender-based violence, and anxiety symptoms are all consequences of load-shedding. South Africa went through a combined total of 200 days without power in 2022. With rolling blackouts, each day ever since the start of the new year, hours without power have become the norm.  “Noticeable reasons for the rise in destruction and concern…

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            Protection Against Power Surges

            In our houses, a lot of us have electronic devices, household appliances, and laptops powered by electronic circuitry. Surges of electric current can cause damage that is frequently irreparable to a wide variety of electronic devices and home appliances. A power surge could even cause computers to lose data if it is strong enough. Furthermore, …

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              Advice on How To Find Work in South Africa

              In most cases, the beginning of a new year marks the period when graduate students begin their quest for their very first job, whereas others begin looking for better employment opportunities that could enhance the quality of their lives. The professionals in human resources recommend that job hunters evaluate their curriculum vitae, plan properly for the…

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                A New Fund for “Back to School” Initiatives Has Been Suggested for South Africa

                The Pietermaritzburg Movement for Economic Justice and Dignity suggests that the government of South Africa institute a unique ‘back to school’ fund across the country to provide financial assistance to family members so that they can better help their children in gearing up for the start of the fresh academic year. The statement made by the…

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                  What Kind of Impact Does Load Shedding Have on the Local Community? 

                  As is common knowledge among all of us, we simply have no choice but to learn to accept load shedding for the time being. Unfortunately, a wide range of industries across the nation has been impacted as a result of the continuous daily power outages. The practice of load shedding is a contributor to the…

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                    How to Get Ready for the Load-Shedding Schedule

                    Load shedding is a frustrating phenomenon that affects many countries in Africa, including South Africa, and residents there are well aware of its effects. Sustaining all of the phases of one’s life may be a tad more difficult, let alone keeping up with the stages of Eskom’s schedule because ever-changing load-shedding schedules lead to plans…

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                      The Top Activities Available During Load-Shedding

                       After a long day at work, you’re more than ready to kick your shoes off, make yourself at home on the couch, and turn on your go-to television program to pass the remainder of the evening. You’ve decided to make yourself a cup of tea, so you’re about to start the kettle and you are…

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